Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • George Giakkoupis was the General Chair of the 35th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2016), Chicago, IL, USA, Jul 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of Conference Program Committees
  • Pierre-Louis Roman served in the program committee of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2), Nadi, Fiji, Dec 2016.

  • Francois Taiani served in the program committee of the:

    • 17th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware), Trento, Italy, Dec 2016.

    • 15th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'16), Trento, Italy, Dec 2016.

    • 4th workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC), Chicago, USA, Jul 2016

    • International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN 2016), Nara, Japan, Jun 2016.

    • IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering 2016 (IC2E 2016), Berlin, Germany, Apr 2016.

  • David Bromberg served in the program committee of the:

    • 17th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware), Trento, Italy, Dec 2016.

    • IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering 2016 (IC2E 2016), Berlin, Germany, Apr 2016.

  • Davide Frey served in the program committee of the

    • 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2017), Barcelona, Spain, Jun 2017.

    • 17th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware), Trento, Italy, Dec 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis served in the program committee of the:

    • 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2017), Singapore, Jan 2016.

    • 3rd ACM-W Europe Celebration of Women in Computing (womENcourage 2016), Linz, Austria, Sep 2016.

    • 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2017), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2017.


Member of Editorial Boards
  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec is an associate editor of IEEE Internet Computing.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec is an associate editor of the Springer Computing Journal.

Invited Talks

  • Michel Raynal, A Look at Basics of Distributed Computing, Keynote Talk in the 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2016), Nara, Japan, June 2016.

  • Pierre-Louis Roman, Bringing secure Bitcoin transactions to your smartphone, Technicolor, Rennes, Nov 24 2016.

  • Francois Taiani, Being prepared in a sparse world: The case of KNN graph construction, Invited Seminar of the Département Informatique et télécommunications (DIT) of ENS Rennes, Sep 2016.

  • Francois Taiani, Being prepared in a sparse world: The case of KNN graph construction, Invited Seminar of the Inria Project Team TAO, Inria Saclay, May 2016.

  • David Bromberg, Towards microservices architecture to transcode videos in the large at low costs, Invited seminar of the computer science department of UFG - Instituto de Informatica, Goiâna, Brasil, Jun 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis, Randomized adversary models. CMO-BIRS Workshop on Complexity and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms, Oaxaca, Mexico, Dec 1 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis, Amplifiers and suppressors for the Moran process on undirected graphs. ART-Oberseminar, University of Hamburg, Germany, Nov 8 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis, Amplifiers and suppressors of evolutionary dynamics on undirected graphs. Workshop on Random Processes in Discrete Structures, University of Warwick, UK, Aug 31 2016.

  • George Giakkoupis, Recent advances in randomized rumor spreading. Nexus of Information and Computation Theories, Distributed Computation and Communication Theme, The Henri Poincare Institute (IHP), Paris, France, Feb 1 2016.

  • Davide Frey gave an Invited (Keynote) talk at the W-PSDS workshop co-located with SRDS 2016 in Budapest, Hungary, on Sep 26, 2016.

  • Davide Frey gave an Invited talk at the SG-2 meeting of the BDVA Summit in Valencia, Spain, on Dec 1, 2016.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec has been a member of the Academia Europea since 2013.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec is a member of the scientific committee of the Société Informatique de France.

  • George Giakkoupis was a member of the Steering Committee of the 35th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2016), Chicago, IL, USA, Jul 2016.

  • Francois Taiani has been a member of the Steering Committee of IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS) since 2013.

  • Francois Taiani has been a member of the Steering Committee of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware) since 2014.

  • Francois Taiani served on the hiring committee for the position of Maître de Conférence a the University of Perpignan – Via Domitia in 2016.

Research Administration

  • David Bromberg is member of the scientific committee of the Media & Networks competitiveness cluster.

  • David Bromberg is scientific correspondent for ICT Digital in Rennes.

  • Davide Frey is “correspondant scientifique Europe” at the DPEI for Inria Rennes.

  • Davide Frey is an associate member of the COST-GTRI of Inria.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec has been a member of the ERC panel for Consolidator Grants since 2013.